Your breakfast

Farm holidays in the Vinschgau Valley - pure pleasure

Farmhouse products. Seasonal. Regional. Simply wonderful

A hearty farmer's breakfast from hostess Raphaela ensures a good start to the day. If you like to be flexible in the morning and enjoy your first meal in your own apartment, you will receive a South Tyrolean breakfast basket with delicious regional and homemade delicacies. The cosy breakfast room is at the disposal of all those who would like to help themselves to the buffet and exchange ideas with others on the day of their holiday. A bright, cosy room with pictures from earlier times and modern alpine accents. This is how a farm holiday in the Vinschgau Valley looks like.

breakfast buffet

Against surcharge of 15.00 € per person (Children pay half the price... depending on age)

  • Various muesli, native Honey, farm cow's milk, homemade yoghurt
  • Grains and flakes (sesame seeds, pumpkin, fruits, nuts, raisins...)
  • Vegetables (tomato and cucumber) from our garden by season
  • Nutella
  • Homemade fruit spreads
  • Homemade butter or alp butter from our cows
  • Homemade bacon and smoked sausages
  • Cheese from our cows or from the dairy farm in Burgeis
  • Homemade fruit juices and refreshing drinks (pear, apricot, mint, balm or elderberry)
  • Homemade cakes or croissants
  • Farm eggs (soft/hardly cooked scrambled eggs or fried eggs)
  • Fresh fruit or fruit salad
  • Fresh bread (Schuster Bakery) or homemade bread
  • Coffee, tea, cocoa

breakfast basket

Or choose our “breakfast basket” which you can put together yourself with our farm products according to your heart's desire and we will bring it to your apartment every day at your desired time.

The breakfast buffet at the price of 15.00 € per person offers everything your heart desires: fresh rolls, homemade pastries, various mueslis, cheese from the Vinschgau Valley and sausage platters, freshly boiled eggs, homemade jams, fresh fruit ... with the farm's own products, breakfast tastes much better, doesn't it?

Let us spoil you in our breakfast room from 7.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. with a rustic breakfast at the buffet. Our homemade specialities invite you to enjoy them!

Have a look at the page "Homemade products". There you will find a selection of products of our own production.

The cosy breakfast room "Stube"

You are also welcome to use our parlour as a lounge for reading, for family games or simply to make contact with other guests.

Copyright 2025 Unterlutaschghof | Schlinig | Mals | Südtirol
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