Unterlutaschg – New apartments in Slingia


The Unterlutaschghof

Peaceful. Familiar. Exciting. Simply wonderful.

One farmhouse – one experience. The Unterlutaschghof is the perfect place for a varied farm holiday in South Tyrol. While your little ones play in the in-house playground or actively participate in the life of local peasants, you will have enough possibilities to enjoy your well-deserved holiday. When barbecuing in front of the house. When breathing deeply in our rustic hut. When hiking or biking through the Vinschgau Valley.

The new chalet apartments with sun terrace and modern-alpine furnishings complement your holiday experience. Our traditional breakfast basket, which you may enjoy in your apartment or in our comfortable breakfast room, guarantees you a good start to the day. Of course, fresh and home-made products of our farm can no be missing! Cheese, butter, eggs, jams, bacon, Kaminwurzen (smoked sausages) – everything your heart desires. You can feel the love for agriculture everywhere.


Our history

Once, Schlinig was a small mountain village in the Sesvenna Group. Unterlutaschg was the first farm. At the time there was still an own school for children from Prämajur and Schlinig. But over time, the small mountain village has evolved. About 50 years ago the tourism has come. However, the agriculture has been to many locals an affair of the heart, then as now. A passion. Over the years there derived many different possibilities to spend a holiday in Schlinig/Mals. A farm holiday as now at the Unterlutaschghof. In the year 2018 the farm will be owned by family Habicher for 100 years. A family of tradition.

Animals at the farm

Stable work:

Our guests as well as guest children are also welcome in our stable.
We would be happy to show you where the milk comes from...
Everybody is allowed to milk or help with feeding ...
Children feel most comfortable when they can participate everywhere.
Please let your child have the same experience...
For an active and nature-loving holiday in Mals ...

Copyright 2025 Unterlutaschghof | Schlinig | Mals | Südtirol
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