in our
chalet apartment


Home office with us!

The Unterlutaschghof

Chalet apartments in Schlinig/Mals
Fam. Habicher Daniel and Blaas Raphaela
Schlinig| Unterlutaschghof | South Tyrol

Would you like to discover the unspoilt nature of South Tyrol and experience the mountains first-hand? Look behind the scenes of the hard life of the local peasants? Leave behind the stress of everyday life, but time feel at home at the same time? Enjoy a stunning view, away from traffic and noise? Then the Unterlutaschghof in Schlinig in the Upper Vinschgau Valley is the right place for you. Family Habicher Daniel and Raphaela are glad to share with you the most precious days of the year! Discover now the wonderful apartments in the Vinschgau Valley and enjoy your farm holidays in South Tyrol.

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Your winter wonderland Watles in the Vinschgau Valley

Nature discovery at every step

Trudging through snow-covered winter forests. Cross-country skiing in the Schlinig Valley. Skiing and tobogganing on the Watles Adventure Mountain. Climbing up high peaks with touring skis. Enjoying stunning views. And off we go!

Your hiking and biking paradise in South Tyrol

Exploring the Upper Vinschgau Valley

Wonderful hiking paths. To the alpine pasture “Schliniger Alm” or to the Sesvenna hut. Numerous bike trails and forest roads. Attractions and must see’s for young and old alike. On the Watles Adventure Mountain. It never gets boring around here!

Your farm holiday

Where is your milk from? What do animals in the high mountains eat? What does the life of happy chickens look like? What happens to the hay from the alpine meadows? What does the day routine on a farm look like? Family Habicher Daniel and Raphaela will share their everyday life with you, bringing you closer to the hard farming activities with its good and bad sides. Obviously, you may also help us with the hay making or the milk processing. We can always need a helping hand!

Weekly offer

We like to spend time with our guests as far as our work allows. We enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, a ski day, alpine pasture visits, haymaking, barbecues, wine tastings, etc. (You will find more information about the events on our pinboard at the entrance to the house.)

Any costs must be paid by the guests themselves...

Do you have a wish, what you would like to do with us or what could we show you?

Tell us!!!

Copyright 2025 Unterlutaschghof | Schlinig | Mals | Südtirol
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